
Enforcement actions (Offline)

Identifying and mitigating the enforcements infringers

The regulation of business licences is expanding, and so are the penalties for violating business licence rules. Management of business licences has become essential for organisations due to these developments. It’s critical to know all regulatory reporting obligations to protect your company’s compliance and prevent fines.

  Address routine business licensing challenges

  Prevents licensing non-compliance

  Prompts corrective action strategy

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Enforcement actions (Offline)


Our Experts

Sanjay Kaushik
Sanjay Kaushik

Managing Director


Sanjay Kaushik
Dhruv Maingi

Co-Founder & Director-IPR


Sanjay Kaushik
Pravin Parab

Director-Operations, Western Region and Southern Region


Sanjay Kaushik
Ashutosh Chowdhary

Associate Director IPR, Northern & Eastern Region

Enforcement actions (Offline)

After an internal investigation has been completed and instances of infringement of IPR and/or copyright have been identified, Netrika suggests the way forward for businesses with which it works. Netrika's staff frequently works closely with law enforcement agencies regarding possible criminal proceedings when needed. If necessary, a separate civil action procedure may also be initiated.

Criminal Action

  • Market Survey
  • Detailed Investigations & Sample Purchase.
  • Enforcement actions
  • Retailer
  • Wholesaler
  • Manufacturer
  • Filing FIR
  • Court hearing

Civil Actions

  • Filing of Civil Suit & Appearance before the Court
  • Assisting the Court Commissioners in Execution of Court Orders per location
  • Drafting & filing of applications/complaint/ settlement application


Report Fake App

  • We engage your users by putting the power in their hands to report the fake products through Report Fake App.
  • The app allows the user to report fake products.
  • Apart from reporting the Brand details, user can also upload pictures of the fake product, the location where he bought it and the reason it appears to be fake to the user.
  • After reporting the matter to us, the user can check the status of his case on the app.
  • You can download the app from:  

What we offer
  • Our methodologies reflect a strict adherence to industry-recognized standards. Moreover, we deliver one of the highest educations and employment verification rates in the industry.
  • We design products and services that adapt proactively to current and future needs for screening.
  • Compliance-driven Strategies Risk mitigation is a crucial component for successful recruitment when developing the brand.
  • Fast Turnaround Times: To help customers make decisions even faster, we deliver real-time results as they are available, accelerate communications between third parties, and can leverage candidate-provided documentation where appropriate.
  • Global Reach: With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential that your background check company be able to procure candidate background information from around the world.
  • 100 Years of cumulative Experience You Can Rely On.
  • Member of PBSA- Professional Background Screening Association.

An enforcement action is one that the Department takes, either on its own initiative or at the request of a person that is affected, to carry out and guarantee compliance with the laws that are relevant to the situation. These procedures include court enforcement actions, enforcement adjudications, and administrative enforcement actions.

Orders requiring quick corrective action, cease-and-desist orders, written agreements, removal and prohibition orders, and orders imposing civil monetary penalties are all examples of formal enforcement actions.

Enforcement action includes criminal action with a market survey, detailed investigation, filing FIR, court hearing, Civil Actions with the filing of civil lawsuit & appearing before the court and reporting a fake app.

Yes. Corporate compliance teams may consider enforcement trends to be more significant than the underlying laws. It ensures the proper execution of regulations, laws, rules, social norms and standards.

Enforcements actions are taken in the finance industry, especially the banking sector, to prevent violation of laws, unlawful practices, breaches in fiduciary duty or violations of the final order.

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Accreditations & Affiliations

Forensic Interview Solutions
Global E2C
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
ASIS International
International Trademark Association
Institue of Directors
Award 2024
Award 2023
India IP award 2022
India IP award 2021
Entreprenuer of the Year Award 2020
Business Protection Award 2019
Cobra Award 2019
Business Sphere Award 2018
Fraud Investigator of the Year Award
Award for Outstanding Contribution in Risk Management
Security Project Design of the Year