
Dispute advisory

Addressing complex business disputes and investigations in the dynamic landscape.

Highly competent litigation and dispute expert services with detailed case analysis may give your business crucial clarity on valuation, lost profits, royalties, financial litigation, and insight to minimise risk, add value, and boost performance.

Key differentiators of Netrika

  Experts from varied backgrounds

  Pre-emptive actions to avoid disputes

  Encompasses tailored solutions for different industrial verticals

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Dispute advisory


Our Experts

Sanjay Kaushik
Sanjay Kaushik

Managing Director


Sanjay Kaushik
Col Sanganagouda Dhawalgi

Executive Director-FI


About Dispute advisory

Netrika’s dispute advisory services provide critical expert support to businesses involved in complex disputes and litigations. Whether your dispute involves economic damages or business valuation, lost profits, reasonable royalties, our team of financial litigation support professionals has the skills and experience to gauge the damages and carefully assess how the issue affects your organisation and your overall business. 

In each engagement, we deliver deep insight and detailed case analysis to strengthen your legal position in any dispute. Our professionals work with counsel and their clients to provide expert witness testimony and mediation and arbitration services.

We frequently collaborate with law firms on complex business disputes and litigations with support for clients across numerous verticals such as:

  • Energy
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Life sciences
  • Medical equipment
  • Private equity


Our core service areas include:

  • Contractual Disputes
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Post-acquisition Disputes
  • Professional Liability Matters
  • Valuation Disputes
  • Complex Commercial Litigation
  • Business Insurance Claims
  • Bankruptcy Litigation
  • Court Appearances as Expert Witnesses
  • Quantification of Damages

Our highly effective litigation and dispute consultants can provide your organisation with valuable insight and lucidity to help you manage risk, create value, and power performance.

What we offer
  • Data with integrity.
  • Our methodologies reflect a strict adherence to industry-recognized standards. Moreover, we deliver one of the highest educations and employment verification rates in the industry.
  • We design products and services that adapt proactively to current and future needs for screening.
  • Compliance-driven Strategies Risk mitigation is a crucial component for successful recruitment when developing the brand.
  • Fast Turnaround Times: To help customers make decisions even faster, we deliver real-time results as they are available, accelerate communications between third parties, and can leverage candidate-provided documentation where appropriate.
  • Global Reach: With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential that your background check company be able to procure candidate background information from around the world.
  • 100 Years of cumulative Experience You Can Rely On.
  • Member of PBSA- Professional Background Screening Association.

In order to help resolve disputes successfully, Dispute Advisory Services provides thorough, unbiased, and useful counsel.

In businesses, dispute advisory may cover shareholder disputes or oppression, breach of fiduciary contract, partnership disputes, business-to-business disputes, lawsuits involving business or commercial interest, disputes between company and supplier or company and customer, misclassification disputes etc.

Common conflicts in the business setting should be avoided, such as unsatisfied employees with improper work conditions, disagreement of a contract between suppliers, purchasers or any other business partners and clash of opinions.

A dispute advisory uses a set of processes and techniques, usually involving negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and private judging.

Dispute advisory assists in achieving the corporate objectives of settlement where possible and litigation when necessary in order to minimise any potential negative effects on finances, reputation, or operations.

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Accreditations & Affiliations

Forensic Interview Solutions
Global E2C
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
ASIS International
International Trademark Association
Institue of Directors
Award 2024
Award 2023
India IP award 2022
India IP award 2021
Entreprenuer of the Year Award 2020
Business Protection Award 2019
Cobra Award 2019
Business Sphere Award 2018
Fraud Investigator of the Year Award
Award for Outstanding Contribution in Risk Management
Security Project Design of the Year